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Prevention and Safety Resources

There's a lot of great safety resources available on home and personal safety and fire preventions by subject matter experts. Below is a list of topics and links of the latest and most accurate information. 


Click the blue writing to be redirected to each specific website.


 Rogue Valley Emergency Management 

Combined Jackson and Josephine County Emergency Management information website. 

- Evacuation Information 

- County Citizen Alerts 

- Emergency Preparedness

- Animal Safety and Evacuation during Emergencies


Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Oregon State Fire Marshall - Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Information

National Fire Protection Association - Smoke Alarm Information


CPR/First Aid

Hands Only CPR by the American Red Cross

American Red Cross - Find a CPR Class

American Heart Association - Find a CPR Class


Defensible Space/Firewise

Firewise USA - Preparing Homes for Wildfire 

Oregon State Fire Marshall - Wildland Urban Interface Safety


Ambulance Memberships

Rogue River Fire Ambulance FireMed information 

Mercy Flights Membership - How It Works