Prevention and Safety Resources
There's a lot of great safety resources available on home and personal safety and fire preventions by subject matter experts. Below is a list of topics and links of the latest and most accurate information.
Click the blue writing to be redirected to each specific website.
Rogue Valley Emergency Management
- Combined Jackson and Josephine County Emergency Management information website.
- Evacuation Information
- County Citizen Alerts
- Emergency Preparedness
- Animal Safety and Evacuation during Emergencies
Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Oregon State Fire Marshall - Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Information
National Fire Protection Association - Smoke Alarm Information
CPR/First Aid
Hands Only CPR by the American Red Cross
American Red Cross - Find a CPR Class
American Heart Association - Find a CPR Class
Defensible Space/Firewise
Firewise USA - Preparing Homes for Wildfire
Oregon State Fire Marshall - Wildland Urban Interface Safety
Ambulance Memberships